Wednesday 25 April 2018


I have embedded my music video 'FIGHT SONG' below. Through watching it on YouTube I feel that I have successfully produced a professional product that targets my target audience 

Through Adobe Photoshop CS6  I have produced my Digipak and Poster 

Front cover and Back



Monday 23 April 2018

Discussing the Prism effect

I thought I would write about one of the man effects in my music video and why I decided to use it. 

The prism effect is used in different clips in my music video, this adds a edgy and fresh effect to my music video. It is also conventional as most music videos have a few different effects involved to make it creative. 

I first came across the prism effect in Zara Larsson's Lush life when doing my textual analysis. The affect is used in a lot of her videos or in her promtional adverts. Its eye cathing and edgy therefore creating an intrests for her target auidnce being a young adult audince which is the same as mine.