Tuesday 28 November 2017

Character Profile


My character profile will outline exactly who I am going to be using in my music video, analysing what scenes they will be carrying out and why they are perfect for the roles they are being chosen for. 

CANARY WHARF JOB INTERVIEWEE - finalise the female character but there is a choice of either; Laura Madden or Ruby Yianni. I will give you an update on who i have chosen for this as i decide, with my reasons behind it.  

Actress- Felicity Bourdillion
Age- 17 - singer and musician

She will be the actress who lip-syncs the song, these clips will be edited in and she will feature throughout the music video in certain clips. This will occur in my school media studio which will been a white background, to make the actress stand out. 

Her artsy edgy character will influence my video to target my audience. By her being a confident singer already through carrying out school productions and music concerts it will help with the task when lip-syncing the song in the most effective way.

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