Saturday 30 December 2017

Updated brief outline of my music video

This is a new update for my brief outline of my music video as I developed and changed my idea. 

Made with Padlet

Friday 29 December 2017


I have decided that I want to focus my music video on my female actress as i think the most effective way would be to focus on one main story line, however this will obviously remove scenes of the boxer, but various other scenes will be added to create a more focused image of her. As I am doing so, i have asked Felicity to practice a few lip syncing videos to make sure she is fully prepared when i scene the short clips that will be inserted during the music video. I will now make a clearer story board and treatment so i i am able to gain the best outcome. 


When carrying out my products I use two different types of software's this being; Photoshop and Premier pro. I used premier pro for my foundation portfolio therefore i feel comfortable in editing my music video on their and I feel with the help of Youtube I will be able to develop my knowledge now and create new effective clips. 

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 - DigiPak and Poster 

What it looks like when you first open it looks like this 

For my Digpak I have to then create a one fold, however on my school's shared drive the correct dimensions are given so it looks professional 

I will then place the images that i have taken on the day of filming and can decide which one suits best. 

On the side i have learnt from Youtube tutorials tat i can edit my images by right clicking on the layer and pressing blending options. 

For my poster i will use an A4 layout 

Thursday 28 December 2017

Textual Analysis 2

Dua Lipa is a significant analysis for me as a lot of her videos are about empowering women and supporting each other and this I am considering as a sub-genre for my plot

Friday 8 December 2017

Fight song lyrics annotation

I have annotated the lyrics to 'Fight song' , therefore when carrying out my filming task I will have a clear understanding of what each part of the lyrics will have as the footage. Furthermore, by analysing the lyrics it provides an understanding as to why each part of my filming will be necessary for the selected verse. I have also added a few colour transitions labelled on the sheet below and a few camera shots to fully identify how the audience will fully engage with the video.