Friday 29 December 2017


When carrying out my products I use two different types of software's this being; Photoshop and Premier pro. I used premier pro for my foundation portfolio therefore i feel comfortable in editing my music video on their and I feel with the help of Youtube I will be able to develop my knowledge now and create new effective clips. 

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 - DigiPak and Poster 

What it looks like when you first open it looks like this 

For my Digpak I have to then create a one fold, however on my school's shared drive the correct dimensions are given so it looks professional 

I will then place the images that i have taken on the day of filming and can decide which one suits best. 

On the side i have learnt from Youtube tutorials tat i can edit my images by right clicking on the layer and pressing blending options. 

For my poster i will use an A4 layout 

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